
Iterative sub-patterns: Iterative sub-patterns can sequentially access elements in an aggregation without exposing the internal appearance of the aggregation. The aggregation of multiple objects is called aggregation. Aggregation objects are container objects that can contain a group of objects. Iterative subpatterns encapsulate iterative logic into a separate subobject, thus separating it from the aggregation itself. Iterative subpatterns simplify the aggregated interface. Each aggregated object can have one or more iterative subobjects, and the iterative states of each iterative subobject can be independent of each other. Iterative algorithms can be independent of aggregation role changes.
金牌监制韦家辉的千禧代表名作‘世纪之战’。被卷入是次金融风暴旋涡中的关键人物有郑少秋、 刘青云、黄智贤、郭霭明、陈炜、徐静蕾、韩君婷、林启泰等超级实力派组合。一幕幕高潮迭起的剧情, 将角色人物琢磨得透澈细腻,并坦荡荡地展现萤光幕前,成功的紧系着万千观众的心。
The function of the intermediary mode is to remove the coupling relationship between objects. After adding an intermediary object, all related objects communicate through the intermediary object instead of referencing each other. Therefore, when an object sends a change, only the intermediary object needs to be notified. Intermediaries loosely couple objects and can independently change their interaction.
Note: For example, if you download a famous name (US version), you must download a famous name (world). The world is the main rom of the game, that is, the English letters under the "main body". Any game is, you must have a main rom, and other cloned versions can only be played.
Of course, those who weigh 75KG and squat 80 or 90 kilograms need not be equipped like Transformers. Some people not only squat down and wear belts, but even pull up and wear belts. It's no harm anyway. They take them with them, so they don't have to find them anywhere.
Lou Lou?
