
Founded in the second year of Song Qingyuan (1196 A.D.), it is the one with the highest building specifications, the largest scale and the earliest age among the existing Mazu Temples, and has been listed as a national key cultural relic protection unit by the State Council.

《沃尔多一刻》:沃尔多是一只虚拟的蓝熊,出现在深夜的喜剧节目中,而站在它背后的,是配音演员杰米(丹尼尔·里格比 Daniel Rigby 饰)。沃尔多极高的人气让节目组产生了以它的形象参加国会竞选,而杰米发现自己逐渐变成了被操控的傀儡。
As soon as the door of impermanence was opened, Ally was afraid. For the first time, she found herself so afraid of "farewell". Behind Ellie, 10 companions watched her.
波特兰警局警察Nick Burkhardt(大卫·君图力 David Giuntoli 饰)刚刚被 晋升为命案侦探,正准备在新的工作岗位上大展拳脚,可是他开始见到一些根本不能用言语来解释的可怕景象。Nick的姑姑Marie向Nick透露了一个惊天秘密,Nick的生活从此改变。Marie称Burkhardt家族的祖先曾隶属于一个猎人集团,他们的统一代号为“格林”。这个世界中存在大量的超自然生物,它们试图侵占世界、毁灭人类,而“格林”的任务就是阻止它们的阴谋。当Nick对家族背景有了更多了解后,越来越意识到自己对“格林”的义务责无旁贷。
It is divided into two groups AB. Group A has three signatures A1, A2 and A3. If A3 is drawn, it will be empty and will advance directly to the next match. If A1A2 is drawn for the match, the winner will compete with A3 for a total of 2 matches, and the first and second place in Group A will be obtained.
The intermediary mode is also used to reduce the coupling between classes, because if there is a dependency relationship between classes, it is not conducive to the expansion and maintenance of functions, because as long as one object is modified, other related objects have to be modified. If you use the mediator mode, you just need to care about the relationship with the Mediator class, the relationship between specific classes and the scheduling to the Mediator, which is a bit like the spring container. Let's look at the picture first:

五龙(陶泽如 饰)逃荒进城凭着一身蛮力做了大鸿米店的伙计,食量惊人的他惹来了米店冯老板和大女儿绮云(杨昆 饰)的百般刁难,而自小便作了六爷姘妇的小女儿织云(石兰 饰)却见他总是笑逐颜开,白天到处受人欺负的五龙只有晚上躺在米仓里大口大口的嚼生米时才能感觉到踏实。偶然一次机会,让五龙发现织云和六爷的手下阿保在一起鬼混,为了报复阿保平日里对自己的欺辱,五龙偷偷向六爷告发,后来阿保就被人给捅了。初尝报复带来的快感让五龙兴奋的彻夜无眠,而生性风流的织云对他的百般勾引又令他完全迷失。从此,五龙便开始对身边欺负自己的一个个城里人疯狂的报复……
The elderly caretaker of a remote morgue possesses an impeccable memory for everything but names. He passes his days showing corpses to those searching for their lost ones and tending to his beloved plants. When protest in a nearby city breaks out and the militia covertly raid the morgue to hide civilian casualties, he discovers the body of an unknown young woman. Evoking memories of personal loss, he embarks on a magical odyssey to give her a proper burial with the help of a mystic gravedigger who collects stories of the dead, an old woman searching for her long-lost daughter, and a hearse driver tormented by his past.
On October 18, the General Office of the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television issued a circular on the investigation and punishment of false reports released by the media, which reported on the investigation and punishment of false reports released by the microblog of West China Metropolis Daily: