
Later, the battle was the same, and it was fought several times over and over again. The ammunition consumed most of the time. The front of the position was covered with enemy bodies. I remember that after resisting the fifth attack, the Vietnamese army stopped there. It did not launch any new attack for a long time. Until more than 3 pm, the Vietnamese army actually "let dogs bite"! I was so impressed by the way the dog looked, The appearance is about the same as that of the domestic dog in my hometown. But there was no hair all over her body. The two eyes are still very far apart, The key is to run very fast. There was some grass in front of the position, and craters were everywhere bombed by the subsequent shelling. The 152-meter shell was a large crater with a diameter of 5 or 6 meters. However, this kind of "dog" can easily cross one with one jump, and there is no need to slow down in continuous jumping. The speed of impact is definitely not comparable to that of human beings. "
If the blog park still has an interface to pay more attention to, it has already limited the data to POST requests. At this time, a third-party page will be made, but it contains form submission code, which will be spread through social tools such as QQ and email to tempt users to open it. Users who have opened the blog park will be recruited.
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解放军某部宣传处干事、高干子弟赵蒙生,一心想调回城市。自卫反击战前夕,他凭借母亲吴爽的关系,怀着曲线调动的目的,临时下放到某部九连任副指导员。忿不平,替连长买好车票,催他起程。可是,九连接到开赴前线的命令。梁三喜失去了探亲的机会,赵蒙生却接到回城的调令。全连战士哗然,梁三喜严厉斥责了赵蒙生临阵脱逃的可耻行为。舆论的压力迫使赵蒙生上了前线。吴爽不顾军情紧急,竟动用前线专用电话,要求雷军长将赵蒙生调离前线,当即遭到雷军长的谴责。   九连担任穿插任务。鏖战中,一个个战友为国捐驱,梁三喜为掩护赵蒙生而牺牲;“小北京”因臭弹未发而身亡。赵蒙生在血与火的洗礼中,经受了考验。   战后,在清理战友的遗物时,梁三喜留下的一张要家属归还620元的欠帐单,使赵蒙生震惊不已。烈士的家属纷纷来到驻地,梁三喜的母亲和玉秀用抚恤金及卖猪换来的钱,还清了三喜因家里困难向战友借的债。这一高尚的行动震撼了人们的心灵,赵蒙生和战友们含着热泪,列队向烈士的家属,举手致以最崇高的敬礼。


  火山喷发了,这些人的命运纠结在一起。为了看见明天的太阳,他们必须与过去和解,合力为自己也为众生在绝境中寻找一条生路。 这是一个关于爱与勇气、选择与放弃、自救与他救的中国式英雄的故事。
The bright prospect of "a prosperous, democratic, civilized, harmonious and beautiful socialist modern power" described in the 19th National Congress Report is a new goal we will accomplish in the middle of this century and a enrichment and development of our goals for the second century. It reflects the requirements of historical progress, the happiness of the people and the sustainable development of the nation. From the 19th to 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, it coincides with the historical juncture of the "two hundred years" goal. We should not only build a well-off society in an all-round way and achieve the goal of the first century, but also take advantage of the situation to embark on a new journey of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way and march towards the goal of the second century. CCTV News (Focus Interview): After the centralized online shopping activities made by individuals, people have to face piles of packaged garbage. While you unpacked layer after layer of express packages and happily inspected new clothes and articles, have you counted how many cardboard boxes you have to throw away? How many packs of stuffing? How many plastic bags? The development of e-commerce and express logistics enables us to meet the shopping demand without leaving our homes, but at the same time, a large number of waste packages have also been generated. Because these packages have not been well recycled, most of them have been directly turned into garbage, which is not only wasted, but also brings a huge burden to garbage disposal.